10 Things You Learned In Kindergarden That'll Help You With Kia Picanto Key Replacement

How to Fix a Dead Kia Picanto Key Fob The Kia Picanto is a city vehicle that can navigate traffic gaps and width restrictions like they weren't there. Despite its ugly appearance it's packed with lots of kit. There are a variety of reasons why the key fob on your Kia Picanto might not work. A dead battery is the most typical cause. Dead Coin Battery The most common reason why a Kia Picanto key fob stops functioning is due to a dead battery. The key fob can display warning signs such as unpredictable behavior or loss of range before it dies. It is recommended to replace your battery when you observe any of these warning signs prior to the battery completely fails. Choose a replacement battery that has the same voltage, size and specifications as the original. If the key fob still does not work, it might be time to visit a dealership for a replacement. Only then can you ensure that the replacement key fob will function with your vehicle and properly programmed. If you attempt to reprogram keys without following the proper procedure could damage the chip inside and cause it to stop functioning. Another possibility is that the receiver module has developed a fault. This could be due to a damaged chip or simply wear and tear as time passes. The signs of this issue can be difficult to identify but it's important to find out the cause immediately. If you're not able to get your key fob to lock or unlock your doors, or even the spare key isn't working then it's time to contact a dealer or service center to get help. They'll be able to pinpoint the problem and fix it. Faulty Chip The key fob contains a chip inside that sends an electronic signal to the computer in the car. If the chip gets corrupted and cannot transmit the correct code, and the car's immobilizer will be activated. This could be due various reasons. G28 could be low battery levels in the key fob. Water damage is another possibility. It is likely that the fob will not function when it is wet. A defective chip could be the cause of why the Picanto fob does not turn on the engine. If you have replaced the battery, and then tried to program the fob but it still does not work, it may be because the circuit board is damaged. If this is the case, you'll need to replace it. To open the Fob, you will need to press on the button on the side of the fob. After this, you can take off the mechanical key. You can then follow the instructions below to replace the battery on the key fob. Make sure you use a battery that has the same voltage and dimensions. Using the wrong type of battery could cause damage to the Fob. After replacing the battery, you should test it by pressing on the lock button. If it works, you have a working Fob. Faulty Receiver Module Your key fob takes quite a beating and isn't a perfect piece of equipment. Over time the battery contacts and buttons on your key fob can become damaged. Fortunately, it's quite simple to repair this yourself using a few simple tools. To work, the fob has to send a signal to a receiver in your car. If this module is defective, your fob will not be able of opening or starting your vehicle. There are a myriad of possible causes for this issue but the first step to do is reset the fob. This is done by disconnecting and let the battery of 12 volts drain completely. Then, reconnect the negative and positive cables in reverse order. If the battery is functioning and the fob does not have water damage, it might simply have an issue with its signal. This could be caused by various factors including interference from nearby transmitters, or objects that use the same frequency band as your Picanto's receiver. Key fobs are made with rubber seals to prevent the chip inside from becoming wet. However, if they are submerged for a long period of time they could be destroyed. It's important that you keep your key fob clear of the water and only use key fobs that have waterproof designs. Faulty Programming A Kia Picanto key fob is an ideal way to open and start your car. You can also make use of the key fob to control your vehicle. It is crucial to understand how to use the key fob correctly particularly in adverse weather or when you are unable to move. There are a number of Kia Picanto keys tricks that can help you. If your key fob suddenly stopped working it could be due to an issue with the internal chip. This is a rare event however, it is possible. It is recommended to visit an Kia dealer to identify the problem. Alternatively, you can try to reset your Picanto key fob. The process is relatively simple and can be done at home. The first step is to remove the key fob from the ignition switch. Connect the diagnostic tool underneath the dashboard to the OBDII connector and then start the engine. The diagnostic tool will ask for information about your Picanto. This includes the VIN, make, and model. You can also check for a dead battery. The metal retaining clips inside the key fob are designed to keep the battery in place and complete the circuit. If the clips that hold the key fob are damaged, they can interrupt the flow of electricity and cause a loss in function.